Job applicants are being evaluating by absolute objectivitiy and particularity in Gemak Group of Companies.
Competence and target based performance management system is being carrying out in Gemak Group of Companies.
Gemak Group of Companies prepares its high performance and potential employees who have been internalised corporate’s culture and values, for horizontal and vertical positions aligned with their qualifications through a systematical planning and provides necessary development opportunities for them to be successful in their career path.
In Gemak Group of Companies, all blue collar employees do have the rights by collective labour contracts. For the white collar employees, the payroll and wages grades are being rewieved by utilising a global grading and remuneration system and are being annually compared on its labor gorup both thorougout national and in-sector analogy and as a result a competetive payroll and wages policy is being implementing.
In Gemak Group of Companies by organizing social and sportive facilities or getting into various activities devoted for both the employees and their families, the internalization of corporate culture and the improvement of internal communication are all being aimed and provided.